Saudi Arabian Refineries Company (SARCO) announces the date and method of distributing dividends to shareholders for the year 2020


Element List Explanation
Announcement Detail Referring to the announcement of the Saudi Arabian Refineries Company (SARCO) on 09/10/1442 AH corresponding to 04/22/2021 on the results of the Ordinary General Assembly meeting (the first meeting) regarding the Assembly’s approval to distribute cash dividends to shareholders for the year 2020 AD with a total amount of (11,250,000) riyals. (7.5%) of the company’s capital, at a rate of (75 halalas) for each share owned by the shareholder, the company is pleased to announce to its shareholders that the profits will be distributed on Monday 09/28/1442 AH corresponding to 05/10/2021 by direct transfer to the linked bank accounts In the investment portfolios of the shareholders,noting that the eligibility for dividend distributions was to shareholders who own shares at the end of trading on Wednesday 09/09/1442 AH corresponding to 04/21/2021 (the date of maturity), and those registered in the company’s shareholders ’register at the Securities Depository Center (Edaa) at the end of the second day Trading follows the maturity date.

The company’s management hopes that its honorable shareholders should update their bank data with banks to ensure that profits are deposited in their accounts. If you have any questions, please contact:
– Riyad Bank at phone number 8001222444 or 920001816
– Or the company’s shareholder relations at phone number 0126517016 or email

The company also wishes its honorable shareholders who hold certificates to quickly deposit them in their investment portfolios or review shareholder relations with the company.

The Saudi Arabian Refineries Company announces the results of the Ordinary General Assembly meeting (first meeting)


Element List Explanation
Introduction Saudi Arabian Refineries Company (SARCO) announces the results of the Ordinary General Assembly meeting (the first meeting) which was held on Wednesday 09/09/1442 AH corresponding to 21/04/2021 through modern technology means (remote), in accordance with the CMA circular The judge is satisfied with holding the assemblies of listed joint-stock companies through the means of modern technology remotely and suspending them in attendance until further notice, as the quorum for the first meeting was completed with an attendance rate of 30.91%, as the legal quorum for the first meeting is the presence of shareholders representing a quarter of the company’s capital.
City and Location of the General Assembly’s Meeting Through modern technology means from the company’s headquarters in Jeddah, through the Tadawulaty website.
Total Voters 1276
Date of the General Assembly’s Meeting 2021-04-21 Corresponding to 1442-09-09
Time of the General Assembly’s Meeting 22:00
Percentage of Attending Shareholders 30.91 %
Names of the Board of Directors’ Members Present at the General Assembly’s Meeting and Names of the Absentees The meeting of the General Assembly was attended by means of modern technology, the following board members:
1- Prince Muhammad bin Khalid bin Turki Al Saud (Chairman of the Board)
2- Mr. Omar bin Abdullah Al-Maliki (Member of the Board of Directors)
3- Mr. Abdullah bin Rashid Al-Rafiah (Member of the Board of Directors)
4- Engineer / Abdul Ghani bin Abdul Rahim Wali (Member of the Board of Directors)

The following board members were absent from attending the general assembly meeting:
1- Mr. Khalid bin Ahmed Al-Hamdan (Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors)
2- Mr. Muhammad bin Sami Rafah (Member of the Board of Directors)
3- Mr. Nasser bin Sharaf Al-Abdali (representative of AWJ Company) (Member of the Board of Directors)
4- Mr. Ammar bin Muhammad Al-Abadi (Member of the Board of Directors)

Names of the Chairmen of the Committees Present at the General Assembly’s Meeting or Members of such Committees Attending on Their Behalf 1-Prince Muhammad bin Khalid bin Turki Al Saud (Chairman of the Investment Committee)
2- Engineer Abdul Ghani bin Abdul Rahim Wali (Chairman of the Audit Committee)
3- Mr. Abdullah bin Rashid Al-Rafiah (Chairman of the Nominations and Remuneration Committee)
Voting Results on the Items of the General Assembly’s Meeting Agenda’s 1- Non-approval of the Board of Directors’ report for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2020.
2- Non-Approval the financial statements for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2020.
3- Non-approval of the auditor’s report for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2020.
4- Non-approval to absolve the members of the Board of Directors from liability for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020.
5- Approval of the Board of Directors ’recommendation to distribute cash dividends for the fiscal year 2020 amounting to (11,250,000 riyals) at a rate of (7.5%) of the company’s capital at a rate of (75 halalas) for each share owned by the shareholder, provided that the eligibility of the shareholders who own the company’s shares shall be at the end of the trading day. The ordinary general assembly of the company and those registered in the company’s shareholders ’register with the Securities Depository Center Company (Edaa) at the end of the second trading day following the maturity date, and the distribution date will be announced later.
6- Approving the appointment of the office of Mr. Al-Ayouti and Partners as an auditor for the company’s accounts from among the candidates, based on the recommendation of the Audit Committee, to examine, review and audit the financial statements for the second, third and annual quarters of the fiscal year 2021 AD and the first quarter of the fiscal year 2022 AD and determine their fees.
7- Approving the renewal of the authorization issued to the members of the Board regarding obtaining bank loans and the necessary banking facilities, contracting mortgages and providing in-kind guarantees, whether movable or immovable, owned by the company, in order to facilitate the company’s business and achieve its objectives, and in this they have the right to sign all the papers and documents necessary on behalf of the company and that as a foundation According to the text of Article (24) of the company’s articles of association.
8- Approving the disbursement of an amount of (59,418 riyals) as a bonus to the members of the Board of Directors for the fiscal year ending 31/12/2020.
9- To vote on electing members of the Board of Directors from among the candidates for the next session, which starts on 01/05/2021 and lasts for three years ending on 30/04/2024. The following members were elected:
1- Iyad bin Muhammad Haider Sheikh
2- Yasser bin Suleiman Al-Aqeel
3- Ali bin Saleh Khabiti
4- Hattan bin Hamid Al-Shanbari
5- Suleiman bin Saad Al-Hamid
6- Maqid bin Ibrahim Al-Otaibi
7- Prince Muhammad bin Khalid bin Turki Al Saud
8- Fahad bin Abdulrahman Al-Makeal

Saudi Arabia Refineries Co. Announces an update on the latest developments in its case against the company


Element List Explanation
Announcement Detail That the company was informed on 08/09/1442 AH corresponding to 20/04/2021 from the office of the legal advisor in charge of following up the case that the department had decided to appoint Edraak International Company as a liquidator to succeed the office of Salih Al-Naim Accountants and Legal Auditors in the liquidation of (the Arab Sulfonate Company) and that the completion of The liquidation acts within a maximum period of one year from the acquisition of the final judgment, and the convicted person may object to the judgment within 30 days. Any developments in the case will be announced later.

Saudi Arabian Refineries Company (SARCO) announces the date of the start of the electronic vote on the items of the Ordinary General Assembly meeting the first meeting by means of modern technology (reminder announcement)


Element List Explanation
Announcement Detail Referring to the announcement of the Saudi Arabian Refineries Company (SARCO) on 16/08/1442 AH corresponding to 29/03/2021 regarding the invitation to attend the meeting of the Ordinary General Assembly (the first meeting) to be held, God willing, at exactly ten o’clock in the evening on Wednesday 09/09 1442 AH corresponding to 21/04/2021 through the means of modern technology, as part of the support of preventive and precautionary efforts and measures by the relevant and competent health authorities to address the emerging corona virus (COVID-19), and as an extension of the continuous efforts made by all government agencies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Take the necessary preventive measures to prevent its spread.

Therefore, the company would like to remind its shareholders registered in Tadawulaty Services of the possibility of remote electronic voting on the items of the Ordinary General Assembly meeting starting from ten in the morning of next Saturday 05/09/1442 AH corresponding to 17/04/2021 until the end of the time of the Ordinary General Assembly. Registration and voting through my trading services will be free of charge and available to all shareholders via the following link: (

In the event of an inquiry, we hope to contact the Shareholders Relations on :
phone: 0126517016
email :

Saudi Arabia Refineries Co. announces to Invites its Shareholders to Attend the ( First Meeting ) Ordinary General Assembly Meeting by means of modern technology


Element List Explanation
Introduction The Board of Directors of the Saudi Arabian Refineries Company (SARCO) is pleased to invite shareholders to participate and vote in the fiftieth ordinary general assembly meeting (the first meeting), which is scheduled to be held, God willing, at 10 pm on Wednesday 09/09/1442 AH corresponding to 04/21/2021 AD. By means of modern technology through the Tadawulati website ( in order to ensure the safety of shareholders and within the support of preventive and precautionary efforts and measures by the competent and relevant health authorities to address the emerging corona virus (COVID-19), and as an extension of efforts The continuous efforts made by all government agencies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to take the necessary preventive measures to prevent its spread.
City and Location of the General Assembly’s Meeting From the company’s headquarters in Jeddah, by using modern technology means (using Tadawulaty website).
URL for the Meeting Location
Date of the General Assembly’s Meeting 1442-09-09 AH corresponding to 2021-04-21
Time of the General Assembly’s Meeting 22:00
Attendance Eligibility Each shareholder who is registered in the Company’s shareholders register at the Depository Center at the end of the trading session preceding the assembly meeting has the right to register the electronic attendance and vote using Tadawulaty system at the assembly meeting, according to the rules and regulations. Note that the eligibility to register attendance at the assembly meeting ends at the time of the assembly, and the right to vote on the assembly’s items for the attendees ends when the counting committee finishes counting the votes.
Quorum for Convening the General Assembly’s Meeting For this assembly to be valid, the attendance of shareholders representing at least a quarter of the Company’s capital is required, and if the quorum required for holding the first meeting is not available, the second meeting will be held one hour after the end of the period specified for the first meeting, and the second meeting is valid regardless of the number of shares represented .
General Assembly Meeting Agenda 1-Voting on the Board of Directors’ report for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2020.
2-Voting on the financial statements for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2020.
3-Voting on the auditor’s report for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2020.
4-Voting to absolve the members of the Board of Directors from liability for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020.
5-To vote on the Board of Directors ’recommendation to distribute cash dividends for the fiscal year 2020 amounting to (11,250,000 riyals) at a rate of (7.5%) of the company’s capital at a rate of (75 halalas) for each share owned by the shareholder, provided that the eligibility of the shareholders who own the company’s shares shall be at the end of the trading day. The ordinary general assembly of the company and those registered in the company’s shareholders ’register with the Securities Depository Center Company (Edaa) at the end of the second trading day following the maturity date, and the distribution date will be announced later.
6-Voting to appoint the company’s auditor from among the candidates, based on the recommendation of the Audit Committee, to examine, review and audit the financial statements for the second, third and annual quarters of the fiscal year 2021, and the first quarter of the fiscal year 2022, and determine their fees.
7-To vote on renewing the authorization issued to the members of the Board regarding obtaining bank loans and the necessary banking facilities, holding mortgages and providing in-kind guarantees, whether movable or immovable owned by the company, in order to facilitate the company’s business and achieve its objectives. According to the text of Article (24) of the company’s articles of association.
8-Vote to disburse an amount of (59,418 riyals) as a reward for the members of the Board of Directors for the fiscal year ending 31/12/2020.
9-To vote on electing members of the Board of Directors from among the candidates for the next session, which starts on 01/05/2021 and lasts for three years and ends on 30/04/2024 (Curriculum vitae of the candidates are attached.(
Proxy Form
E-Vote Shareholders who are registered in Tadawulaty may vote on the items of the General Assembly agenda online starting from Saturday 05/09/1442 H corresponding to 17/04/2021 until the end of the Assembly’s meeting time. Therefore, we invite all shareholders to participate and vote online through Tadawulaty website :

Note that registration and voting are available in Tadawulaty services free for all shareholders .
Eligibility for Attendance Registration and Voting The eligibility to register to attend the assembly meeting ends at the time of the assembly meeting. The eligibility to vote on the assembly’s items for the attendees ends when the counting committee finishes counting the votes .
Method of Communication In the event of an inquiry, we hope to contact the Shareholders Relations Department at:
phone : 0126517014 OR Email :
Attached Documents

Saudi Arabia Refineries Co. announces its Annual Financial Results for the Period Ending on 2020-12-31

Sales/Revenue 16,825,460 20,983,726 (19.816)
Gross Profit (Loss) 16,825,460 20,983,726 (19.816)
Operational Profit (Loss) 14,035,802 17,845,326 (21.347)
Net Profit (Loss) after Zakat and Tax 13,380,263 17,170,699 (22.075)
Total Comprehensive Income 69,362,306 34,685,901 99.972
Total Share Holders Equity (after Deducting Minority Equity) 508,324,277 453,961,971 11.975
Profit (Loss) per Share 0.89 1.14
All figures are in Saudi Arabia, Riyals
The reason of the increase (decrease) in the net profit during the current year compared to the last year is The decrease in net profit during the current year 2020 compared to the previous year 2019 is due to the decrease in dividends payable for the current year from the Saudi Industrial Investment Group Company (an investor company) amounting to 15,194,480 riyals compared to the previous year’s profits of 22,791,720 riyals.
Statement of the type of external auditor’s report Qualified opinion
Modification, Qualification or Emphasis of a Matter as Stated within the External Auditor Opinion We were unable to verify the amount of delay fines and fees that may result from the company not paying the bank guarantee for the associate amounting to SR 5.1 million as shown in note No. (10). Therefore, we were unable to determine the adjustments and material effects that may result from it on the financial statements of the company.
Reclassification of Comparison Items Some figures for the comparison year have been reclassified to conform with the classification of the current year figures without this having an effect on the net profit.
Additional Notes



The annual financial Statmenet for 2020 :

Saudi Arabia Refineries Co. announces the distribution of cash dividend for For Year 2020


Introduction The Board of Directors of the Saudi Arabian Refineries Company (SARCO), in its meeting held on Wednesday 19/07/1442 corresponding to 03/03/2020 , recommended to the Ordinary General Assembly (fifty) to disburse cash dividends for the year 2020 to shareholders
Date of the board’s decision 2021-03-03 Corresponding to 1442-07-19
The Total amount distributed 11,250,000 SR
Number of Shares Eligible for Dividends 15 Million Shares
Dividend per share 75 Halala
Percentage of Dividend to the Share Par Value (%) %7.5
Eligibility date Eligibility for the profits of the shareholders who own the shares of the company at the end of the trading day of the (fiftieth) Ordinary General Assembly, which will be announced later, and who are registered in the company’s shareholders ’register with the Securities Depository Center Company (Edaa) at the end of the second day after the maturity date.
Distribution Date The dividend distribution date will be announced later
Additional Information The agenda of the assembly will be announced later after obtaining the approval of the competent authorities.
The company inform all honorable shareholders to update their data and ensure that their bank account numbers are linked with their investment portfolios. The company also hopes that its honorable shareholders who hold certificates will quickly deposit them in their investment portfolios or refer to the company’s shareholder affairs official to ensure that their due profits are deposited directly into their accounts.

Saudi Arabia Refineries Co. Announces Calling Candidature for Board Members Elections for the next session


Introduction Saudi Arabian Refineries Company is pleased to its shareholders for calling Candidature for Board Members Elections for the next session, which begins its work, God willing, starting from May 01, 2021, for a period of three years.
Gentlemen who wish to nominate themselves for membership in the Board of Directors, who meet the conditions and qualifications for membership, must submit their candidacy applications within the period specified in the announcement and in accordance with the details contained in this announcement.

The nomination will be in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Law issued by the Ministry of Commerce and the Corporate Governance Regulations issued by the Capital Market Authority, in addition to the policies, standards and procedures for membership in the Board of Directors approved by the General Assembly of the shareholders of the company, as the nominated members will be elected during the next general assembly of the company which will be announced For his appointment at a later time, God willing, after obtaining the necessary approvals from the competent authorities.

Type of Assembly New Session
Assembly Start Date 01-05-2021
Assembly End Date 30-04-2024
Number of members 8
Application Start Date 31-12-2020
Application End Date 31-01-2021
Applications Submission Method The originals of the candidacy applications, their attachments and the aforementioned forms shall be submitted to the company before the end of the nomination period specified in the announcement, in any of the following methods:
First: Handing over at the company’s headquarters in Jeddah, Madinah Road, Adham Commercial Center – Tenth Floor
Second: Sent by post: PO Box 1113, Jeddah 21431, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (subject to the arrival of the consignment during the candidacy period)
Third: To be sent by e-mail:, provided that the assets are sent by post to the address shown in the second above.

For inquiries, please call:
Phone: +966 12 65 17016/966 12 65 18050

Application Requirements The candidate must fulfill the conditions for candidacy for membership of the Board of Directors stipulated in the relevant laws and regulations according to the following:
1- Fulfilling the general conditions for membership of the Board of Directors and the nomination requirements contained in the policies, standards and procedures for membership in the Board of Directors approved by the Company’s General Assembly (attached).
2- Submit a written application signed by the candidate declaring his desire to run for membership in the Council according to the form (attached) within the period specified in the announcement.
3- Submit Form No. (1) CV. (Attached)
4- Submit a signed copy of Form No. (3) issued by the Capital Market Authority for candidacy for membership of the Board of Directors (attached).
5- Certified Arabic translation of any documents or documents written in a foreign language.
6- He should not be a government employee except for those appointed by the state sectors.
7 – Attach a clear and valid copy of the national identity card, as well as a copy of the family record (for a married person), a copy of the passport for non-Saudis, or a copy of the commercial register for legal entities that want to nominate representatives, and the candidate’s contact numbers, including phone, mobile and fax. And e-mail.
8- A statement of the number and date of his membership in the boards of directors of joint stock companies, and the committees he assumed or is still holding.
9- A statement in which the candidate discloses any direct or indirect interest in the business and contracts concluded for the company.
10- A statement of the companies or establishments in which he participates in managing or owning them and engaging in similar businesses.
11- He should not have been convicted of a crime involving breach of honor and trust.
12- The candidate must fulfill all the decisions issued against him by the Capital Market Authority.
13- He must be of good conduct and of good reputation, both personally and professionally.
14- He must have experience in the field of the company’s business or similar business.
15- To have the ability to allocate sufficient time to contribute to directing the company’s business and policies.
16- To have leadership and the ability to understand, analyze problems, evaluate them and find appropriate solutions.

The Nominations and Remuneration Committee will study the candidates’ applications received by it, noting that voting in the General Assembly will be limited to those who nominated themselves for membership of the Board in accordance with the controls and criteria set forth in the policies, standards and procedures of membership in the Board of Directors and whose information the company will announce in accordance with Paragraph (a) of Article 8 of the Regulations Corporate governance issued by the Capital Market Authority.

Nomination criteria
Attached Documents , ,

(العربية) اعلان شركة المصافي العربية السعودية عن النتائج المالية الأولية للفترة المنتهية في 30-09-2020 ( تسعة أشهر )

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(العربية) اعلان شركة المصافي العربية السعودية عن النتائج المالية الأولية للفترة المنتهية في 30-06-2020 ( ستة أشهر )

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(العربية) اعلان شركة المصافي العربية السعودية عن النتائج المالية الأولية للفترة المنتهية في 31-03-2020 ( ثلاثة أشهر )

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(العربية) اعلان شركة المصافي العربية السعودية (ساركو) عن تاريخ وآلية صرف الأرباح لعام 2019م

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(العربية) إعلان شركة المصافي العربية السعودية عن نتائج اجتماع الجمعية العامة العادية (الاجتماع الثاني)

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تعلن شركة المصافي العربية السعودية (ساركو) عن دعوة مساهميها إلى حضور اجتماع الجمعية العامة العادية (الاجتماع الأول والثاني بعد ساعة)

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(العربية) تعلن شركة المصافي العربية السعودية عن النتائج المالية السنوية المنتهية في 2019-12-31

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(العربية) اعلان من شركة المصافي العربية السعودية (ساركو) بالاستثمار بشركة أسمنت المنطقة الجنوبية

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(العربية) تعلن شركة المصافي العربية السعودية (ساركو) عن توزيع أرباح على المساهمين عن العام المالي 2019م

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(العربية) اعلان من شركة المصافي العربية السعودية (ساركو)(المدعية) عن اخر التطورات المستجدة في قضيتها المرفوعة ضد شركة الزيت العربية السعودية (أرامكو)(المدعى عليها)

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(العربية) اعلان من شركة المصافي العربية السعودية (ساركو)(المدعية) عن اخر التطورات المستجدة في قضيتها المرفوعة ضد شركة الزيت العربية السعودية (أرامكو)(المدعى عليها)

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(العربية) اعلان من شركة المصافي العربية السعودية (ساركو) بالاكتتاب بشركة الزيت العربية السعودية (أرامكو السعودية)

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