Saudi Arabian Refineries Company announces the latest developments regarding the non-binding memorandum of understanding with Golden Compass Mining Services Company (“the Target Company”) to acquire all shares in the Target Company.

Element List Explanation Introduction In reference to the announcement by Saudi Arabian Refineries Company – SARCO (the “Company”) published on Saudi Tadawul’s website on 01/01/1446H (corresponding to 07/07/2024G) regarding the signing of a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) dated 30/12/1445H (corresponding to 06/06/2024G) with the Golden Compass Mining Services Company, and the addendum announcement regarding […]

Saudi Arabian Refineries Company announces the latest developments regarding the non-binding memorandum of understanding with German Saudi Industrial Company (GSIC) . (“the Target Company”) to acquire all shares in the Target Company.

Element List Explanation Introduction In reference to the announcement by Saudi Arabian Refineries Company – SARCO (the “Company”) published on Saudi Tadawul’s website on 01/01/1446H (corresponding to 07/07/2024G) regarding the signing of a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) dated 30/12/1445H (corresponding to 06/06/2024G) with the German Saudi Industrial Company, and the addendum announcement regarding the […]

Saudi Arabian Refineries Company announces the results of the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting (Third Meeting)

  Item Clarification Introduction Saudi Arabic Refineries Company (SARCO) is pleased to announce the results of the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting (Third Meeting), which was held on Wednesday 21/08/2024 corresponding to 17/02/1446 AH through modern technology using the Tadawulaty system (, where the quorum for the third meeting was completed with an attendance rate of […]

Saudi Arabic Refineries Company (SARCO) announces the start date of electronic voting on the items of the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting (Third Meeting) through modern technology means (reminder announcement)

  Item Clarification Details Referring to the announcement of the Saudi Arabian Refineries Company (SARCO) on the website of the Saudi Stock Exchange Company (Tadawul) on 24/01/1446H corresponding to 07/30/2024G regarding the invitation to attend the Extraordinary General Assembly meeting (Third Meeting) scheduled to be held, at exactly 6:30 pm on Wednesday 02/17/1446 AH corresponding […]

Saudi Arabia Refineries Co. announces its Interim Financial results for the Period Ending on 2024-06-30 (Six Months)

  Element List Current Quarter Similar quarter for previous year %Change Previous Quarter % Change Sales/Revenue 228,880 -40,457 – 266,674 -14.172 Gross Profit (Loss) 228,880 -40,457 – 266,674 -14.172 Operational Profit (Loss) -1,789,238 -1,435,450 24.646 -413,251 332.966 Net profit (Loss) -2,036,324 -1,358,725 49.87 -599,096 239.899 Total Comprehensive Income -31,825,985 22,293,198 – 13,811,845 – All figures […]

Saudi Arabia Refineries Co. Board invites its shareholders to attend the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting the (Third Meeting)

  Element List Explanation Introduction The Board of Directors of the Saudi Arabic Refineries Company (SARCO) is pleased to invite its valued shareholders to participate and vote in the Ordinary Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting (Third Meeting), which is scheduled to Allah be held at exactly six thirty in the evening on Wednesday 17/02/1446 AH corresponding […]

Saudi Arabia Refineries Co. announces the non-convening of the Extraordinary General Assembly’s Meeting of the Company (Second Meeting)

  Element List Explanation Introduction Saudi Arabic Refineries Company announces that the extraordinary general assembly meeting of the company will not be held the first meeting scheduled to be held at (6:30), where the attendance rate was (11.90%) and the second meeting at (7:30) and the attendance rate (11.93%) on Wednesday 24/07/2024 AD corresponding to […]

Saudi Arabic Refineries Company (SARCO) announces the start date of electronic voting on the items of the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting (First Meeting) through modern technology means (reminder announcement)

  Element List Explanation Announcement Detail In reference to the announcement of the Saudi Arabic Refineries Company (SARCO) on the website of the Saudi Stock Exchange Company (Tadawul) on 27/12/1445H corresponding to 03/07/2024G regarding the invitation to attend the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting (First Meeting) to be held with Allah’s permission at exactly six thirty […]

Saudi Arabia Refineries Company (the “Company”) announces the signing of a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding with the Golden Compass Mining Services Company to acquire full equity in Golden Compass Mining Services Company by increasing the Company’s capital through the issuance of shares to the shareholders of Golden Compass Mining Services Company

 Saudi Arabia Refineries Company (the “Company”) announces that it has signed a non-binding memorandum of understanding (“MoU”) to acquire all shares of the shareholders in the Golden Compass Mining Services Company (together the “Shareholders”). The MoU between the Company and the Golden Compass Mining Services Company is in connection with a share swap transaction of […]