Saudi Arabian Refineries Company

Saudi Arabian Refineries Company (SARCO) announces the appointment of the board member to assume the vacancy in its board

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Introduction The Saudi Arabian Refineries Company (SARCO) announces the issuance of the Board of Directors’ resolution based on the recommendation of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee appointing Mr. Ahmed Abdullah Al-Mohsen as a member of the Board of Directors for the vacant seat on the Board to complete the current term ending on January 24, 2028.
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Appointed Member Name Mr. Ahmed Abdullah Almohsen
Membership Type Independent
Membership Start Date 2024-12-22 Corresponding to 1446-06-21
Brief Resume of the Appointed Member Mr. Ahmed Abdulla Almohsen is currently the Deputy CEO of Al Murshed Contracting Group with 25 years of experience in the energy and contracting sector.

Mr. Ahmed holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Business Administration from King Saud University in Riyadh in 1998.

The date of the approval by other official authorities Not applicable
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Date of Board Meeting in which Appointed New Member(s) were Appointed 2024-12-22 Corresponding to 1446-06-21
Board Approval Board Approval May not be Deemed Final, this Appointment Shall Be Put before the First General Assembly Meeting for Approval


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