Saudi Arabia Refineries Co. announces its Interim consolidated Financial Results for the Period Ending on 30-06-2022 ( Six Months )

  ELEMENT LIST CURRENT QUARTER SIMILAR QUARTER FOR PREVIOUS YEAR %CHANGE PREVIOUS QUARTER % CHANGE Sales/Revenue 22,489,558 7,730,194 190.93 28,498 78,816.27 Gross Profit (Loss) 22,489,558 7,730,194 190.93 28,498 78,816.27 Operational Profit (Loss) 21,432,194 7,171,470 198.85 -684,087 – Net Profit (Loss) after Zakat and Tax 21,007,319 7,138,187 194.29 -658,446 – Total Comprehensive Income -79,350,014 45,585,767 – […]