Saudi Arabian Refineries Company

Saudi Arabian Refineries Company (SARCO) announces the date and method of distributing dividends to shareholders for the year 2020


Element List Explanation
Announcement Detail Referring to the announcement of the Saudi Arabian Refineries Company (SARCO) on 09/10/1442 AH corresponding to 04/22/2021 on the results of the Ordinary General Assembly meeting (the first meeting) regarding the Assembly’s approval to distribute cash dividends to shareholders for the year 2020 AD with a total amount of (11,250,000) riyals. (7.5%) of the company’s capital, at a rate of (75 halalas) for each share owned by the shareholder, the company is pleased to announce to its shareholders that the profits will be distributed on Monday 09/28/1442 AH corresponding to 05/10/2021 by direct transfer to the linked bank accounts In the investment portfolios of the shareholders,noting that the eligibility for dividend distributions was to shareholders who own shares at the end of trading on Wednesday 09/09/1442 AH corresponding to 04/21/2021 (the date of maturity), and those registered in the company’s shareholders ’register at the Securities Depository Center (Edaa) at the end of the second day Trading follows the maturity date.

The company’s management hopes that its honorable shareholders should update their bank data with banks to ensure that profits are deposited in their accounts. If you have any questions, please contact:
– Riyad Bank at phone number 8001222444 or 920001816
– Or the company’s shareholder relations at phone number 0126517016 or email

The company also wishes its honorable shareholders who hold certificates to quickly deposit them in their investment portfolios or review shareholder relations with the company.


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